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Closed How to make yema

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Sep 10, 2017
Recipe 1 (Normal Yema)


2 cans of condensed milk

3 egg yolks

1 tablespoon of melted butter

3 tablespoons of chopped langka (jack fruit)

3 tablespoons of chopped nuts


In a bowl cream the egg yolk and condensed milk. Then pour in a casserole and cook slowly over medium fire. You should continue mixing it to avoid sticking. Cook it until it thickens. Add your chopped nuts and jackfruit. Let it cool and form the shape you want.

2 cans of condensed milk
plastic cellophane for wrapping


  • You will have to use a regular frying pan to get the best result, not the non-stick one.
  • Pour the condensed milk in pan and put on medium heat.
  • Using a metal spatula, stir the milk as if you are scraping the bottom of the pan.
  • This must be done continuously to avoid burning the milk and to prevent it from sticking at the bottom of the pan. This will also ensure that it is cooked evenly.
  • You can tell that the yema is done if your condensed milk sticky.
  • Let it cool and wrap in cellophane cut outs for easy serving.
Recipe 2 Yema with Caramel


1 can of big condensed milk (about 396 ml)

10 egg yolks (8 if you are using big size)

finely grated zest of lemon or lime (whatever is available)

1 cup of sugar

half a cup of water

1 teaspoon of cream of tartar

1 tablespoon of melted butter


Start by beating the egg yolk with an electric beater. In a separate bowl, put a little bit of water (about 1 tablespoon) and add the grated zest of lime. Press them together and squeeze out the essence. Add this essence to your beaten egg. Pour in the condensed milk and mix well. Cook this mixture in a non stick pan over low fire while stirring constantly to avoid burning. When the custard thickens and change color turn of the heat and let it cool. Form some balls using a spoon and your hands with this custard. And now for the caramel. First dissolve your sugar in the water be sure that all the sugar are completely dissolve. Then add the cream of tartar and melted butter. Pour this mixture on a pan and cook slowly until it thickens as caramel. To test if your caramel is ready, with a teaspoon drop a small amount of caramel in a plate if it hardens immediately it is ready.. Dip one by one your yema balls in the caramel.
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