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Metonymy is a figure of speech that replaces the name of something with a word or phrase that is associated with it. It is often used to create more vivid and expressive imagery or to emphasize a particular aspect or characteristic of the subject. Here are a few examples of metonymy:

1. "The pen is mightier than the sword." In this famous phrase, "pen" is used to represent writing or literature, while "sword" represents warfare or violence. It suggests that words and ideas have more power and influence than physical force.

2. "The White House issued a statement today." Here, "White House" is used to refer to the entire United States government or presidency. It highlights the idea that the statement represents the views and decisions of the executive branch.

3. "The crown spoke with authority." In this sentence, "crown" is used to represent the king or queen. It implies that the monarch's authority and power are embodied in the symbolic headpiece.

4. "The suits on Wall Street made some risky investments." In this example, "suits" is used to refer to businesspeople, specifically those working in the financial sector. It emphasizes the formal, corporate nature of their attire and frames them as representatives of the entire industry.

5. "Let me give you a hand." Here, "hand" is used to represent assistance or help. It suggests that the person is offering their physical support in completing a task.

These examples illustrate how metonymy can be used to add depth, symbolism, and emphasis to language, making it more engaging and memorable.

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