
In mathematics, a percentage (from Latin per centum 'by a hundred') is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign (%), although the abbreviations pct., pct, and sometimes pc are also used. A percentage is a dimensionless number (pure number); it has no unit of measurement.

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  1. L

    Referral May Bagong investment mga Lods ( 4-15-24 | 6: 30 PM ) RELEASE DATE| mas malaki ang percentage paki check nalang !

    !! Para lang tos sa mga may pera na kayang mawala if ever, Risk po Ito katulad ng iba jan pero pag new pa is legit pa!! Wag gamitin ang perang nakalaan okayy? WAG NATIN E SUGAL ANG PERANG IMPORTANTE SALAMAT! Kung Interested ka ito sa baba mga idol ( as of now working parin to mga idol) pero...
  2. B

    Help Percentage Average

    If 31 head counts are equivalent to 100%, In performance ratings, 15 got excellent, 10 got a good rating, and 6 got a basic rating. Given that the excellent rating is higher, the average amount should be higher too. Average rating multiply by weightage of 75%. Please give me an example of...
  3. B

    Help Percentage

    If 5% absence - deduct 2.5% and 10% absence - deduct 7%. How to get deduction percentage if the given absence rate is below 5%?
  4. B

    Help Percentage

    35 head counts are equivalent to 100%. How do I get the percentage of 10 headcounts? Give me an example of how to get the average if 35 head counts are equivalent to 100%.
  5. T

    Help Percentage need help

    I have set a minimum and maximum score for my scoring system here is the sample. Column A is the score, Column B is the minimum score and Column C is the maximum score. Column D will be the percentage Column A (90), Column B (60), Column C (100) . now the percentage of it is 75%. the formula...
  6. T

    Help Percentage

    Lets say 1 minute is considered as 15% for time duration scoring, what is the percent of 39 seconds? Please show how to compute.
  7. T

    Help Percentage

    how to get the increase percentage month of August value 206,706,048.40, and month of september value 224,658,091.39
  8. J

    RE: HELP... Ajax auto populate dropdown box and show percentage value..

    if(isset($id)): $order_items_qry = $conn->query("SELECT o.*,, i.size FROM `order_items` o inner join item_list i on o.item_id = where o.`po_id` = '$id' "); echo $conn->error; while($row =...
  9. N

    Help Laptop Battery Stuck at Certain Percentage

    Pa help kahit anong charge ko sa laptop nag na sstuck parin sa kanyang percentage di nadadagan kaka flash ko lang ng windows 10