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The objective of conducting a study about native games can vary depending on the specific research questions being addressed. Some possible objectives could include:

1. Understanding the cultural significance of native games: Research could aim to explore the historical and cultural roots of native games, their role in traditional societies, and how they have evolved over time.

2. Preserving traditional knowledge: Studying native games can help to document and preserve traditional knowledge and practices that may be at risk of being lost.

3. Promoting cultural exchange and understanding: By studying native games, researchers can promote cross-cultural exchange and understanding, highlighting the diversity of games and play practices around the world.

4. Investigating the impact of colonization and globalization: Research on native games can shed light on how colonization and globalization have affected indigenous communities and their traditional games.

5. Examining the educational and developmental benefits of native games: Studies can explore the cognitive, social, and physical benefits of playing native games, and how they contribute to individual and community well-being.

Overall, conducting a study about native games can help to recognize, celebrate, and preserve indigenous cultures and traditions, while also contributing to broader discussions about the importance of cultural diversity and heritage.

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