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Databases Programming Languages for Jobs with Highest Salary


Forum Veteran
Mar 10, 2020
I know you’re interested in learning programming languages which makes your career strong but there are huge number programming languages out their in the Computer World today.

According to me these are the questions in your mind

Which Programming Languages to choose?

Where to study them?

How to get started?

If you have these questions in your mind then you’re in the right spot.

Let’s come to the point about which Programming Languages to study to land in a Highest Paying Jobs in top IT companies.

Top Programming Languages For Jobs :


Java is #1 Programming Language and Java is a most popular Programming language in today’s Computer world.

Java is #1 Programming language because of it’s amazing and extensible Features which let every Developer to use it in Application Development.

2. PHP

Acronym for PHP is Hypertext Preprocessor

PHP is widely used in Website Development in all over the world. Top IT companies like Facebook, WordPress and Yahoo uses PHP a lot.

Even I prefer this as a best programming language if you’re interested in Website Development.

Even you can use it in WordPress site and plugin Development.

It’s a widely used open source scripting language.

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is a Dynamic and Super Popular Programming Language which is widely used Developing Web apps in Today’s Computer world.

This a powerful language which is used most in Development of Web apps.

I recommend this for Android App Development as well as Desktop App Development.

4. Objective – C

Objective – C is the primary language of Apple which is used to Develop Mac OS X and iOS.

Now Swift is used as the alternative to Objective – C.

If you’re interested in iOS app Development, then you must learn this objective – C which is highly recommended for iPhone app Development.

This is particularly only used in Apple Development.

5. Python

Python is also a widely used Programming language which is a easy to read and easy to learn language.

Python is a interpreting language.

It is also a object Oriented Programming Language.

6. C++

C++ is the efficient and flexible programming language of all time.

Every professional Developer must know this language which makes your career as a Developer much stronger.

I recommend C++ programming language to every programmers, probably even for you.

The craziest thing about C++, it’s even used to develop new Programming Languages.

For example: C#, Java, PHP, Python, JavaScript are all Developed using C++ language.

7. R

R language is mostly used in Statistical Calculations. R language deals with Data analysis and Big data.

Google uses it a lot in Data analysis. R is a powerful language which is based on Maths. It gives more power to Mathematicians.

It’s only for those who are interested in Data analysis and Statistical Calculations.

As I said Google uses R language most, So if you want to join Google for Data Analysis then I strongly recommend this for you.
Choosing the right programming language for your career can be a daunting task, considering the vast number of options available. However, there are several factors to consider when making this decision, such as job demand, salary potential, personal interest, and the specific industry you want to work in.

Here is a detailed analysis of the programming languages mentioned in your post:

1. JAVA:
Java is indeed one of the most widely used programming languages today, known for its versatility and portability. It is extensively used in enterprise-level applications, web development, Android app development, and server-side programming. Job opportunities in Java are abundant, and the salaries offered are often quite competitive.

2. PHP:
PHP is a server-side scripting language commonly used for web development. It is particularly popular for developing dynamic websites and is supported by a large community. Many top IT companies, including Facebook and Yahoo, utilize PHP extensively. While PHP may not have the same demand as some other languages, there are still plenty of opportunities available.

3. JavaScript:
JavaScript is a crucial language for front-end web development, as it allows for interactive and dynamic web experiences. It is also widely used for back-end development with Node.js. With the rise of frameworks like React and Angular, JavaScript has gained even more prominence. Learning JavaScript opens up opportunities for web and mobile app development.

4. Objective-C:
Objective-C was the primary language for iOS and macOS app development before the introduction of Swift. While Swift has gained popularity, Objective-C is still relevant and necessary for maintaining legacy iOS applications. If you're interested in iOS app development, Objective-C is worth learning, but Swift is increasingly becoming the preferred choice for new projects.

5. Python:
Python is a versatile, high-level programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It is extensively used in web development, data analysis, machine learning, and scientific computing. Python's popularity has surged in recent years due to its ease of use and vast libraries and frameworks available. Job opportunities for Python developers are plentiful, and the salaries offered are often competitive.

6. C++:
C++ is a powerful and efficient programming language widely used in systems programming, game development, and high-performance applications. It is known for its performance and flexibility but requires strong programming skills. Learning C++ can provide a solid foundation for understanding other programming languages and systems-level development.

7. R:
R is a statistical programming language extensively used in data analysis and data science. It offers a wide range of statistical and graphical techniques and is popular in academia and industries that deal with large datasets. R is particularly valuable for those interested in data analysis, machine learning, and predictive analytics.

When deciding which programming language to learn, it's essential to consider your interests, career goals, and the demand in your desired industry. Additionally, staying up to date with emerging technologies and languages can also be beneficial for your career growth. Remember that mastering a programming language is just the first step; continuous learning and real-world experience are equally important in landing high-paying jobs.