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Closed Global Social Issues

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Network neutrality (Internet censorship),

Feminism and the disappearing male human rights


low fertility ( poverty )

Low-quality jobs

resource competition ( energy + shale mining technology )

Overly aggressive advertising services ( Ad block )

Space debris and commercial communications satellite

Corruption of the ruling class

The fourth industrial revolution ( artificial intelligence )
and disappearing profession ( profitability )

ESS energy storage technology


Nuclear fission reactor high-level radioactive waste

It can use nuclear waste reprocessing technology to create nuclear weapons
or it can dispose of high-level radioactive waste in countries
such as developing countries, second world countries such as Africa or third world countries.

The place to organize high-level radioactive waste may be the Philippines.


Slumming with immigrants,

Welfare costs for the elderly

Leasing services and exploitation ( commercial exploitation )

Environmental pollution problems ( water pollution, air pollution ) ← F'uck this china
and the presence of glaciers

Great Pacific Garbage P'atch

Capitalism, the same inequality of socialism Distribution of income
and disappearing middle class
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