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Closed Summer Project

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Princess Serrano Offline is gonna be challenge since I can't promise you won't need any online dependencies on these projects (unless you download them ahead)

Try these projects:
1. File parser for JSON file and to be converted to CSV files. Imagine processing 1GB to 10GB file. The file will need to be uploaded eventually to Amazon S3. You can ignore the uploading part but instead save the processed files offline

This would teach you how to parse files efficiently, fast, and probably point you to parallel processing and its pitfalls.

2. Play with RabbitMQ and Java. You'll have to download them ahead so you can work on them offline. Create a Java producer that publishes messages and 1 or more Java consumers. The idea is if one consumer dies, another consumer can take over the work

3. Combine #1 and #2

Now if you just want a simple project, really simple, create a "Hello World" project :cool:

Btw do you happen to have relatives in San Fernando, Pampanga?
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