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Closed Tricks on how to increase the battery life of your phone.

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Another Info.... "Zenfone Battery Calibrate"

Some of us are maybe wondering how battery calibration works with our ZenFones?
How this works with my Zenfone 5, Zenfone Selfie and my Zenfone 3 5.2 or to any smartphones in general.

So let us define what battery calibration is really all about?

The Android operating system has a feature called the Battery Stats, which keeps track of battery capacity, when it is full or empty. The problem is that sometimes it becomes corrupted and starts displaying incorrect data that sometimes causes the phone to turn off before its battery level reaches to 0%. This is where you will know that calibrating your android battery simply means getting your Android OS to correct and show what your actual battery level really is.

And to be able to do that, here are some of the ways you can try to calibrate your battery.

  • First charge your Zenfone to 100% while it's ON, until the LED turns green or yellow.
  • Then, unplug the charger from your Zenfone. Turn it off and charge it again up to 100 % while its power is in OFF state, and wait until the LED light turns green or yellow.
  • Next is unplug the charger from your phone again. Power it ON wait until the phone has booted completely, then charge it again to 100% while the phone is ON until its full or its LED turns green or yellow.

Once you've done this, you're battery is now calibrated and should be reflecting its correct battery levels after.
When to stop charging?
Don't fully charge your phone to 100% because it will decrease the life span of your battery. 90% is enough.

When to charge?
Charge your phone when it hits 20%.

NOTE: Callibrate your battery at least once a month and how should I do that? Well drain your phone to 0% then charge it until 100%. Calibrating a battery is just like restarting a laptop or a cellphone.

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