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Honorary Poster
Sep 9, 2018
Sino dito marunung kasi di na discuss samin to

public class Student {

// Write a static initializer to initialize the static field/class variable scchoolName to "USTP", the default value.

// Write the 1st constructor with 4 formal parameters to initialize the instance fields/instance variables
id, name, course, yearL. Use this to create the student record without exam.
// write the 2nd constructor with 6 formal parameters to initialize the instance fields/instance variables
id, name, course, yearL, score, total. Use this to create the student record with exam.

static String schoolName;
String id,name,course;
int yearL;
double score,total,grade;

// Write a method computeGrade() to compute and return the student's exam grade using the standard 50% passing formula,
// grade=5-4*(score/total)



import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;

public class ClassRecord {

public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException {
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( System.in));
// Declare an array of 5 instances of class type Student.
// Provide 5 task options for the user as described below:
// 1 - to input student record's data without exam and create this student record by instantiation
// passing the data via the constructor
// 2 - to input student record's data with exam and create this student record by instantiation
// passing the data via the constructor
// 3 - to display 1 student record, ask the user to input the id and display the record whose id is the input
// 4 - to display all student records
// 5 - to exit the program
// Allow the user to do several task options until the user choose to exit the program




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