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Closed Pa check po if tama code ko

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#include <iostream> //iostream is a preprocessor directive also known as input/output stream that necessary if you want to make use of input such as "cin" or output such as "cout"

#include <conio.h> //conio.h is a preprocessor directive a Borland / MS specific header that contained console I/O functionality, and is not part of the standard. and if you want to use "getch" to pause the application before it terminates.

using namespace std;

int main()
//Variable declaration and initialization of temporary values; It is very necessary for you to declare the variable first before using it in a process
int a= 5;
int b = 9;
int sum=0;

sum=a+b; //this is the aforementioned process;
cout <<"The sum of"<<a<<" and "<<b<<" is "<<sum;

return 0;
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