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Tutorial Tut how to have free fast public dns servers to boost speed experience

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La Freak

Forum Master
Jan 16, 2013
Without DNS we REALLY need to memorize all numeric ip addresses, instead of You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., you need to type in the address of:! Good thing, we don't need a high brain capacity to memorize all numbers. Instead, we are more convenient to hostnames (i.e. mabzicle.com).

DNS is not only use for such, it use in browsing experience. I dont think you patiently enough to enough some websites to use. With this FREE PUBLIC DNS servers, it will improve its speed. How?

Before we jumpstart to the dns system, we should know some little details about DNS.
What is DNS?
DNS (Domain Name System) - is a database of domain names for easier look up with its IP address. To illustrate, DNS is like a phone book for the Internet Domain Address in which it is HUMAN-Friendly to translate it to an IP Address that computer understand well. For a short note: Computer reads only 0 and 1, that is binary system. Thanks to DNS we don't need those massive numbers.

For example:
  • mabzicle.com(domain name) translated to ip address!
Unlike phone book, DNS quickly updates its database that whenever it has a network change it does not affect and notice end uses.

  • for mabzicle.com, you are not aware the change of its ip address. Because you can still access it without noticing it does change its ip address.
Dont worry, when you connect to your Modem, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) already assigns network configuration to you including dns servers.
How to check your DNS server?
With Command Prompt, you can display your network settings.

These are the steps:
  1. click start, then type cmd to open command prompt
  2. In your command prompt black window, type this command: ipconfig /all it displays all ip configuration in your system.
  3. see screenshot here; You will find DNS server, IPv4 address, Default Gateway etc.

How DNS works?
if you are curious enough to know how it dns works, try to see this image.


Now for the main event... Boost Speed By Using FREE FAST DNS Servers.

Generally, DNS an essential component of the functionality of the Internet. Without this, we will experience brain damage. I hope not. :)

DNS can be also use in boosting fast browsing experience. These are the FREE and FAST DNS Servers.
TOP 3 FREE FAST Public DNS Servers

Manually add this in your network:

1. Google DNS Servers
I really use this DNS servers in my workstation, and i would really say it does improve browsing.

2. OpenDNS DNS servers
This is quite fast also.

3. Verizon DNS servers
No problem with it.

How to add DNS servers in your system?

This might be complicated but with these screenshots, i do hope you are on the same track as me.


1. Go to your control panel then network center

or with this address: Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center


2. Click on Change adapter settings

3. Next is where do you add this DNS servers? Here, i used USB Modem not on the LAN(Local Area Connection) with that, you need to right-click the icon then...click properties. And choose Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) see highlighted below. and click properties. You will see general tab properties for it.
For my GLOBE but for LAN see below

4. Here, in General properties: Below it: i added some DNS servers like and (Google DNS servers) and you can just click ok however.
5. If you want to add multiple DNS servers(like you want to add all other DNS servers) you can click the advanced button and look for the add...
Now, click ok and feel the changes it brings to you. In my experienced, i really do recommend you to add these DNS servers. Dont worry it does not damage your system, it will just boost speed in your browsing experience.
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