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Eternal Poster
Mar 27, 2015
The sigbin or amamayong are creatures resembling a cross between a dog, a goat, and a kangaroo a bit larger than a goat and have whip-like tails. Although four legged they mostly hop on their longer hind legs. They have wide ears that clap when they’re on the move. At sunset or during the night they are often seen eating squash blossoms in a garden or a farm. At noon they roam in search of small creatures in mounds. They can move so fast for human eyes to see, giving way to the belief that they can become invisible. Their presence is often betrayed by their nauseating odor. Some say the sigbin walk backward.
The sigbin are attracted to the smell of a dying person, often hastening his death by licking him. They can make a person sick or kill him by biting his shadow. Good luck is bestowed upon persons whom they choose to befriend provided they are fed with charcoal and, in some cases raw meat. A sigbin could be used as transport. All a person has to do is to ask his friend sigbin and tell it where he wants to go. Then upon sitting on the sigbin's back (facing the creature’s tail) he should tap the tail's base gently and off they go as fast as lightning. Some of the aswang use them as familiars and order them to kill people.

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