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Closed foods highest in vitamin A

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Top 10 foods highest in vitamin A for healthy eyes

1. Sweet Potatoes

This type of food is one of the major sources of food for early American settlers. Nowadays, they are still loved for their rich nutrient contents and delightful taste. Just one medium sweet potato offers about 438% of the average needs of an ãdül† each day and only 103 calories.

2. Carrots
When it comes to foods highest in vitamin A, most of us firstly think of carrots. Fact is, eating plenty of carrot could improve your eye vision. Just a single medium carrot accounts for more than 200% of the vitamin A needs of an average person each day. Also, carrots are a great source of vitamin C, B, K, fiber and magnesium.

3. Kale
Kale, in particular, and dark leafy greens, in general, is considered as the rich source of vitamin A. It is nutrient-rich and tasty food which deserves to be added to your daily diet. Kale could do wonders for the human health, containing helping people get enough the amount of vitamin A for one day. Just a serving size of 1 cup of kale consists of 200% of the vitamin A needs for an average person.

4. Butternut Squash

Squash, or butternut squash has yellow-orange color. This is a sign of the high content of beta carotene, which will be converted to the vitamin A within the human body. one cup serving of this food offers you more than 400% of the recommended consumption of vitamin A each day. Also, it provides eaters with a high amount of potassium, vitamin C, and fiber, thereby improving your overall health.
Romaine Lettuce
The three most common varieties of lettuce – butterhead, romaine, and crisphead – supply varying amounts of vitamins, including vitamin A. Romaine lettuce scores really high for vitamin content. Two cups of romaine lettuce are a great source of vitamin A which provides up to 58% of the average person’s demands of vitamin A each day. In addition, romaine lettuce also compiles 1747 mcg of beta carotene that will transform into vitamin A in the human body.
Dried Apricots
The next one in this list of foods highest in vitamin A dried apricot. Actually, dried fruits make tasty and mess-free snack as people need an enhancement in antioxidants, nutrients, and energy. They are an excellent option for your diet which is high in vitamin. One cup of dried apricot (119g) supplies 302% of the recommended daily value for one day and 313 calories
Cantaloupe Melon

Cantaloupe cannot be overlooked when it comes to foods highest in vitamin A. It is really low in fat and calories, yet rich in nutrients and vitamins. It is also a tasty addition to your daily diet. You can add this food in your fruit salad in midday snack or the dessert after having dinner. Just one cup of cantaloupe melon (160g) contains 108% of the recommended amount of vitamin A each day. And, a medium wedge of this fruit includes just 0.1g fat and 23 calories.
Red Bell Peppers
Many people ear red bell peppers plain or dressed with veggie dip, yet you could enjoy them in scrambled eggs, salads, and pasta dishes. No matter how you consume them, you will get all the health benefits they supply to the human body. Just a medium of red bell pepper can provide 75% recommended amount of vitamin A an average person needs a day and 37 calories.

Cod Liver Oil
A lot of people take cod liver oil supplements because they are an excellent source of vitamins as well as minerals. The cod liver oil coming in both capsule and liquid form includes vitamin A, D, and omega-3 fatty acids. Just one tablespoon of cod liver oil will help you meet and even exceed the recommended intake of vitamin A each day. One tablespoon of cod liver oil offers you 280% of the daily required vitamin A amount and 126 calories.
Mango is sweet and has a place in main dishes as well as dessert plates. Moreover, they make a great addition to a balanced, healthy diet due to the presence of many vitamins and nutrients inside this fruit. A cup of sliced mango supplies approximately 36% of the recommended vitamin A amount each day and 107 calories.
Vitamin A is an essential part of a healthy diet. Consider this list of foods highest in vitamin A to start creating your healthy diet plan from now.

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