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Closed Constipation Free With Fruit Smoothies

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Forum Veteran
Apr 14, 2015
Ever went to bed realizing that you haven’t pooped all day? When you don’t go to the bathroom every day, you are not flushing out your system from the You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.that might be lodged somewhere in your large intestine.

Keeping these toxins in your body can be extremely dangerous for your You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., as your body will start feeding itself with the toxins. So, how do you get rid of You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.naturally?

How About Smoothies?
Yes! There’s no need to the dreaded chemically-filled constipation medicine found at the pharmacy; the only medicine you need is a good dose of delicious You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now..

Why Smoothies?
Since the first reason why people are constipated is the lack of fiber in their body, resolving this problem is the first thing to do.

Smoothies will provide you with natural You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., from fruits, vegetables and grains that will ensure a healthy dose of fiber in your body. This way, you’ll have a regular bathroom break to flush out the hard toxins.

Via the Infographic, I will take you on a step by step journey on how you can create your at-home constipation remedy by blending together a few greens, reds and yellows. The more colorful the smoothie, the more nutrients it contains and the better it is for your You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.and bowel movements. If you’re new to the Smoothie community, I will also share with you some secret smoothie tips that will help make your smoothie experience a little more fun!

I don’t want to sound dramatic, but it’s time you take back control of your life. Constipation can be very dangerous for your health, especially if you don’t do anything about it and let the toxins rot inside of you.

So what do you say? Want to join the Smoothie Challenge? Read my Infographic right now.




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