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Guidelines in spot report


FOR :provincial Director

San Jose Police Provincial Office

FROM : Chief of Police

SUBJECT Spot Report on Robbery Incident

DATE : March 6,2024

1. Spot Report in Robbery Incident dated on March 6,2024.

2. On or about March 6, 2024 around 5:00 in the Aftermoon.

A Robbery Incident transpired in a small jewelry store located in Centro, Pojo, Bugasong, Antique.

The victim was identified as Mr. Mark Santos and Mrs. Rita Santos, an elderly couple.

The suspect was identified Ramon Valdez, 27 years old, Male, Married and has 8 children and a resident of Jinalinan, Bugasong, Antique.

3. Initial investigation revealed that while the elderly couple was attending to their customers, A man named Ramon Valdez walked in, on the store dressed in a hoodie and sunglasses, then suddenly pull out a gun and announce a Robbery. Everyone in the store froze in fear as Ramon demanded Mrs. Santos to fill a bag with jewelry. Mr. Santos, in an attempt to protect his wife and their livelihood tried to intervene but was pushed aside and then Ramon make an escape. Further, they certainly identified the suspect through his distinctive tattoo portrayed by the witnessed and based on the picture shown to them by the police officer.

4. Arrested suspect Ramon Valdez was proven guilty in court and sentenced several years in prison at BJMP San Jose, Antique.

5. Respectfully submitted for information and reference.

1. Scenario

The Willow Creek Mystery: Unraveling the Crime of Mrs. Thompson's Burglary."

Once upon a time in the quiet town of Willow Creek, a mysterious crime unfolded that shook the community to its core. It was a chilly evening when Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, a retired school teacher, was found unconscious in her living room by her neighbor, Mr. John Harrison. The incident was reported to the authorities by Mr. Harrison himself, who quickly dialed 911 upon discovering Mrs. Thompson in distress.

The responding officers, led by Detective Sarah Johnson, arrived at the scene to find Mrs. Thompson lying on the floor, her antique jewelry box wide open beside her. The room was in disarray, with furniture overturned and valuable items scattered around. Detective Johnson immediately secured the area and began questioning witnesses, including Mr. Harrison and another neighbor, Mrs. Emily Parker.

During the investigation, a pair of black gloves was found hidden behind a plant near the entrance of Mrs. Thompson's house, leading the detectives to suspect foul play. Eyewitness testimony revealed that earlier that day, a suspicious figure wearing a dark hoodie was seen lurking around the neighborhood, raising suspicions about a potential intruder.

As the investigation unfolded, the detectives uncovered a trail of evidence pointing towards a local troublemaker named Michael Davis. Witnesses reported seeing him in the vicinity of Mrs. Thompson's house around the time of the incident. Contact information for Michael Davis was obtained from his acquaintances, and he was soon brought in for questioning.

Detective Johnson meticulously pieced together the puzzle, connecting the dots between Michael Davis and the crime scene. With the help of forensic evidence and witness testimonies, the case against Michael Davis grew stronger. The weapon used in the crime, a blunt object believed to be a crowbar, was found hidden in Michael's backyard shed, further incriminating him.

As the investigation progressed, the full extent of the crime started to unravel, shedding light on a series of burglaries in the neighborhood that Michael Davis was allegedly involved in. The case was eventually brought to trial, where justice was served, thanks to the diligent work of Detective Sarah Johnson and her team. Mrs. Thompson, though shaken by the incident, found solace in knowing that the perpetrator was brought to justice, restoring peace to the once serene town of Willow Creek.

FOR: Provincial Director

San Jose Police Provincial Office

FROM: Chief of Police

SUBJECT: Spot Report on Robbery Incident

DATE: March 6, 2024

1. Spot Report on Robbery Incident dated March 6, 2024.

2. On March 6, 2024, around 5:00 in the afternoon, a Robbery Incident occurred at a small jewelry store located in Centro, Pojo, Bugasong, Antique.

The victims were identified as Mr. Mark Santos and Mrs. Rita Santos, an elderly couple.

The suspect was identified as Ramon Valdez, 27 years old, male, married, with 8 children, and a resident of Jinalinan, Bugasong, Antique.

3. Initial investigation revealed that while the elderly couple was attending to their customers, Ramon Valdez entered the store dressed in a hoodie and sunglasses, brandishing a gun, and announcing a robbery. He demanded Mrs. Santos to fill a bag with jewelry while Mr. Santos attempted to intervene but was pushed aside. Ramon then fled the scene. The suspect was positively identified through his distinctive tattoo by witnesses and based on a picture shown to them by the police officer.

4. The arrested suspect, Ramon Valdez, was found guilty in court and sentenced to several years in prison at BJMP San Jose, Antique.

5. Respectfully submitted for information and reference.

Chief of Police


Your spot report on the Robbery Incident is well-detailed and provides a clear account of the events surrounding the crime. The information provided, such as the identities of the victims and the suspect, the actions taken during the robbery, and the outcome of the case, is essential for documenting the incident and ensuring that proper legal proceedings are followed. It is commendable that the suspect was apprehended and justice was served through the court's verdict. Overall, your report is thorough and serves its purpose effectively.

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