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Stories The Three Seeds


Eternal Poster
Feb 11, 2021
The Three Seeds
by MGL Emvie

The signage 'Bank Bane' almost reached the skies. Khufra gazed at it while he protected his half-opened eyes from the sun's glare. He jogged to its direction but he first stopped in the bakery for a Breakfast Delight.

He checked his collar but then he dropped his ID. And when he picked it up, a man extended an arm that was covered with grease and mud.

But the man spoke no words yet he kept his gaze at Khufra. His eyes looked as if it had never been closed for ten days. His skin under his ragged clothes was also shriveled. And at that time, it seemed his stomach echoed rapid thunders.

Khufra had yet to take a bite in his Breakfast Delight so he gave it to the greasy man then left with a smile.

Moreover, in the corner, he saw an elder lady who tried to cross the street with a support stick and trembling knees.

Khufra then rushed and took the elder's basket. He held the elder's arm until they crossed the street. After that, as a sign of gratitude, the elder gave him a candy.

Khufra throw the candy to his mouth, then the sweet orange burst. He kept the candy wrapper in his pocket and then he waved a goodbye at the elder.

Then after a while, Khufra passed in the market only to see the prices of fishes and water, which put golds to shame. The barren region, though spacious, scarce them with water and fishes so the price was mountain high. And while he walked by before the stands, the vendors shot him warm morning greetings.

Finally, Khufra arrived in Bank Bane, where he sat in front of a glass desk with a fat man. He took an envelope in his pocket and slide it towards the fat man.

"Bane, as usual." he said.

Bane teared one side of the envelope and then shook it upside down in his hand. "Oh-ho? Sewage cleaners increased their salary?" he said.

"And so does commodities. Living here is becoming hard." Khufra said.

"No problem if you're up with the challenge." Bane said. "If you sell this gilded chair, you could throw a feast for the whole city."

Khufra cupped his chin.

"With the wealth of the bank, you could provide the city an endless stream of food and water for a decade. So why won't the bank--"

"Business, my friend. Business." Bane interrupted. "Things happen in natural ways through individual actions. Just be better at what you do." "Now, let me add this for the future."

When Khufra finished the update of his savings, he then returned to his work at the back of the city. And while he gazed at the dirty sewage, he contemplated, "Future? What help can this do for the city?"

Five minutes later, Khufra saw a bottle that clogged the canal. "Cleaning this helps the city? If I quit, will there be change?" he said.

And then Khufra played a scenario in his mind. If he left the canals uncleaned, then the sewage clog would stagnate the water. Foul orders would fill the sinks to the city air, and sickness would spread. Famine would follow before death came last.

"I see."

Khufra then swiped the bottle with his catcher, but he broke the bottle! A black smoke with white glitters exploded, so Khufra instantly reached his handkerchief and covered his nose. But after a while he realized a sweet scent. It was a scent of apple, mango, and orange. Then after, a jennie appeared.

"Be not afraid! Here comes before you Esmeralda of the stars to give you three wishes. Look at the sky!"

"An upward shooting star?"

"A star is born marking a new era. Everything will depend in your wish!"

"True? I can wish everything and anything?"

"Of course, as long it falls under my powers. Note of some exceptions. Direct manipulation of life, death, and time!"

"So you can't change the past and bring back the dead?"

"But I can gaze into the possible futures. Only if you wish it. However, when you make wish, a condition must be met. You should be able to imagine how to get your wish. If you wish for a car, imagine buying one. If you wish a unique one-of-a-kind car, imagine building one."

"I thought I could wish a blanket where unlimited food appear, or a jar that would never run out of water."

"Too bad."

"Let me take my first wish and see if your magic works. Most men would wish riches, don't you agree. So, let me imagine that."

Khufra imagined saving all his salary until death without buying anything.

"I saw that destiny in the stars. It's a lot of money, and it would be a sack of gold coins."

"Oh really?" Khufra said with a smirk. And then he bursted an exhale with a smug.

This couldn't be true.

And then Khufra imagined, what if he robbed Bank Bane.

"That would be eight hundred thousand tons of gold bars."

"Wait. You can read my mind?"

"The stars spoke for you."

"So is it possible?"

"Shake my hand."

Khufra shook Esmeralday hand and then neck deep gold bars appeared. It extended wide towards the spacious desert.

The snots of waste and the rotten liquids drove men away but Khufra took a deep inhale.

He froze with a frown.


"All yours! These golds are safe." Esmeralda said.

"For how long? I need a safe place. I need a castle as wide as the entire city and as large as the tallest mountain."

Khufra then imagine a project worked by slaves for a thousands of years in the vast desert. After that, he shook Esmeralda's hands and then the ground quaked.

A castle then rose from the sands. This castle had all a king and a kingdom need. Halls, rooms, kitchens, gardens, baths, taverns, theatre, stadium, to name a few, came about! This castle had it's own water supply that shoots upward from the depths of the earth. The water then rode in the aqueduct to distributes freshwater at the all castle's corners . And this castle had it's own sanitation system too. All waste run to a pipe that leads to another far side of the earths abyss. Moreover, as well as a fountain, cold baths, and plants with twisted leaves. Fruit trees, fruit vines, and berry bushes blanketed the pillars and cobblestones inside this castle. It looked like a small city covered in vibrant flowers. Even the the night could melt candles, the blooming flowers outclassed the heat for it shows no signs of withering. In the middle of the desert, this castle became a green oasis.

Esmeralda, with her magic, snapped a huge underground basement, as wide as the castle. In the heart of this basement, Khufra safekeep his golds.

His eyes widen at the sight of the gold bars that became walls for him to lean on. And as the light of his torch brought intense brightness, his eyes shimmer like the bright full moon and his lips became a red boat.

"This fortune can help the poor and support the sick."

"An easy task." Esmeralda said. She turned her fingers and the magic lights from her robe glimmer. "Your plans?"

"Let's hold a feast!"

The news of the new castle spread from the City to the villages. And after a week of waiting, the plaza inside the castle premises became filled with people that night. Even the garden and the halls inside the room became a major table for a banquet. But the main sight went to the balcony with rich colors of rose, hibiscus, orchids, and pillars of rafflesia. And the sweet and smooth fragrance that soothes an aching head slides towards the antoriums down below where the thick bushes of herbs and thorny berry reside. On that balcony, Khufra appeared and said, "I announce myself the master of his castle. I may need some of you to help me, such as cooks for the kitchen, gardeners to tend the gardens, and sweepers. All is welcome to join! Tonight is a celebration!"

Afterwards, Esmeralda brought cider juice, and a basket of apples and grapes at Khufra. The host of the event sat in the springy sofa with scattered red petals of roses that complemented the raging blood hue of the carpet.

"Careful for that incense and that candle."

Khufra gazed at the incense under the table. It scorched the little strands in the carpet. He raised a pitcher of wine and said, "I will--"

"Don't! You will loose your castle. It's worse than getting robbed."

Khufra swiped his nose with his thumb. "The coconut juice is for me?" he said. He threw Esmeralda off the topic.

"Uh yes." "I want to remind you the last wish. I'll remind you the one thing that you missed as well."

"Thing I missed? Which is?"

"A car." Esmeralda said. She made a circle motions with her fingers, and then magic orbs appeared and glimmers around it. "It will be simple."

"Do you think I will have to leave this place? Why not buy one. I'm now rich!" "But what will happen after I used up all my wishes?"

"I will die to be reborn as a star in the sky. It's a jennie's purpose."

Khufra's eyes turned grim and his brows turned rigid. He pinched the bridge of his eyes, and said, "Men in fairytales who started in gold beginnings always ended in bad love life. Shall I wish you to be my wife, could you support me until I die? Shake on it!"

Esmeralda froze. Her fingers twitched. Above her, a ball of white magic build up and then it flashed. Esmeralda heard her heartbeat as he extended her arms without her awareness.

"The years to come will be interesting. I feel like a King already." Khufra said.

Esmeralda turned to a human. Moreover, in that year, Khufra wed her.

Esmeralda then managed Khufra's building projects. They constructed hospitals, museum, churches, and market place. And this improved Khufra's image to people. People settled and crowded his castle since they like the comfortable bed and the cool shade of Khufra's castle. Everyday they celebrate, and they filled the nights with laughs as they drink until morning.

For three years, Khufra stood as the de facto King of that castle's land and the people. Flowers rained down on him while he walked in the settler's streets. Cheers for his name echoed in all corners whenever he rode in his classic carriage.

The people requested him a monument of himself in the middle of the settlement. So, Esmeralda set up the project and managed the laborers with hundred gold coins as salary every evening when they ended the day's work at seven. The administrators in the city envy the salary of Khufra's laborers as their adminstration salary reach not even a tenth of a mere laborers' salary. So the eager and happy laborers grew accustomed to the color of gold.

One night, Khufra fetched Esmeralda in the construction site with his carriage. One hundred meter up, a sculpture caught Khufra's voice from the head of the monument. He wanted to see the King so he turned to the direction. But he slipped his footing and rushed down with a scream until the loud *****les of iron sheets roared.

Esmeralda and her workers came but the man died in the instant.

"The family should knew. Khufra let's follow." she said.

"Prepare a funeral with the expenses on my name."

Two days later, after Esmeralda and Khufra finished their supper, Esmeralda asked, "I'll deliver this roses to the family. Come with me, darling."

Moreover, when they arrived, Khufra gave the family five gold bars.

The candlelight flickered a ray to the gold bars. It reflected to the eyes of the mourners and it sent a whirlwind at Esmeralda's veil. The shimmer of the gold dazzled the teary eyes of the widow.

The widow slapped Khufra and flared, "Leave! With your golds!" She threw the gold at Khufra and cried. It then injured Khufra's arms and bruised the man's back, yet the popular King left in silence.

Khufra returned home. And in the comforts of his sofa, Esmeralda brought him coconut wine, and grilled and cubed venison, and then a warm water with rolls of rubbery bandages.

"I'm confused." Khufra said.

"Confused of their anger? Does gold heal a broken emotion caused by death? Remember that our project caused them their loss. We caused them their loss. Have you lost your sense of feeling?"

"Sense of feeling? Did... Did I just value their feelings with gold?" "I may need to take a walk."

Khufra left and strolled to the rooms of his guests, to the kitchen, the garden, and even to the narrowest passages of his castle. But when he reached a corridor that leads to his treasure vault, he saw his cook and gardener.

His two employees hauled a sack on each other and gold coins glided from it's tiny holes. They pushed their shoulders upon a wall and after that, a walkthrough opened. They sneaked in the dim alley and then raced as rot-smelling mice followed their rythmic footfalls.

Khufra sidled in the crates and corners. He followed behind his two employees until they reached a rundown tavern. He peeked through the broken window, where the event of ******* punched his nose. And there he heard: "The same harvests as usual."

After that, he turned his head down. It seemed they do this all this time.

Heat turned Khufra's ears red. You could swore it glowed in the midst of that darkness. He clenched his fist and said to himself, "After I trusted you, this is how you will repay me?"

Khufra unrolled his arm's bandages and leapt to the thieves. He twisted and turned the bandages and locked their arms as he pushed his body down in heir limbs. After that, he rolled the extra bandages on their mouths and then dragged the thieves to the plaza.

Five construction workers met him. "What happened." they said.

"Call the people." Khufra commanded.

In ten minutes, people crumpled wearing awed eyes and wide mouths. "An execution? A crucifixion?" they said

"Thieves! This night I caught rats in the castle. I'll make an example from them through this execution!"

"Why us? Some does the same, so why us?" cried the gardener.

"Their time will arrive soon." Khufra said. After that, the execution ceremony begins.

One day later, Khufra came to the church and stayed in the fountain. He gazed at the water sparkles but then a kid leapt to his side.

The kid was bones and skins, and black bruise surround his eyes. His teeth were transparent from his cheeks and he gazed his bloody eyes at Khufra.

Khufra stepped to the fountain's water and his boots splashed the water. Then he encircled his arms at the boy and pushed the knife in the boy's hand towards the water pool.

The boy stumbled and drowned. And then blood dyed the crystal-clear water. The boy's body floated and his knife stabbed on his stomach.

Churchgoers witnessed the self-defense but a different news spread. Khufra unreasonably snapped at a child beggar. It reached Bane so he sent police investagors. However, Khufra's gold halted the pursuit of investagations so the investagors left him an advice. "Hire guards." they said.

Khufra followed the advice and hired two hands, Moskov and Khaleed.

On the day Khufra hired him, Khaleed investigated and then learned the true event. The kid turned out as thief gardener's son. Moreover, he also discovered the identities of all thieves in Khufra's castle.

"King Khufra. To avoid similar incidents, you should kill the entire family this time. Kill the weeds from up to the roots." Moskov said.

"That is too cruel." Esmeralda said.

"If these two think it's wise, then let it be so."

"I'll do whatever you ask, King Khufra." Khaleed said.

As a result, Khufra came to the plaza in the sunset and then displayed three dozen settlers of men, kids, and women. Ropes grazed the flesh of their wrists as they kneeled before a cross. They cried as they listen at Khufra's announcement.

"As promised!" Khufra said. "Justice served to this thieves. Crucify them!"

Thousands filled the plaza yet not a word, or even whispers sounded from the crowd. Only the fire's *****les and clanks of metals echoed but the screams and anguish of the accused echoed louder. The air heated up and sweat dropped from people's faces. However, their arms and legs trembled in the chilling and horrific sight.

After that ceremony ended, silence enveloped Khufra's castle and the settlement for five days. The incident haunted Khufra's dream so he decided to take a stroll in the market one morning. He wanted to see the people but they stayed away as if his line of sight shoots a deadly laser. But one kid came and held his robe.

"Why did you kill my friend?" the kid said.

Khufra looked at the kid and there he saw the sharp eyes of the kid in the fountain. He slapped the kid and stepped back. It threw the kid and gave his check a huge bruise and heavy nosebleed.

The shoppers gawked at Khufra. After ten seconds, a man rushed from the crowd. He reached the kid and glared at Khufra. It chilled Khufra's brains and his body. Khufra slapped the kid out of surprise. But he walked backwards as if he saw a ghost. But he mumbled some words, "K-kill that man!"

Khaleed sliced the man's head after a second. And then the shoppers run in all directions!

"I dislike those kind of eyes." Khufra said. He gazed at his hands in frantic.

And things changed from that moment. The sight of Khufra's envoy carried the aura of death. It forced the settler's to close windows and doors, to empty shops and market, to desert games and gatherings even in the middle of the day. Some settlers returned to The City even if hard beds, and inferior luxuries and commodities awaits.

"Where are they?" Khufra said.

"The hot City since you have nothing to do there." Khaleed said.

"For the people to return, you must simply own the City, Master Khufra." Moskov said.

"Right. Hire a thousand mercenary. We shall took our people back. We shall not let them suffer in the inferior City." Khufra replied.

"Your right, Master." Moskov said. "They would suffer. So we must liberate them. I've prepared the mercenaries for quite sometime now to prepare things such as this. Tonight we invade."

And when the night came, a thousand mercenary marched to The City. Forty police blocked them but only right struggled and died. Small resistance met them so they easily won. That night, Khufra burned the slums and then he paraded his army in the streets.

"You don't need the City." he said.

"Let's burn the entire city so none can come back." Moskov said.

"You're right."

Upon Khufra's return, his castle held a feast for weeks! In the ninth day, however, an assassin poisoned him through his wine. He fell in his table and the crowd dispersed. Khufra caught rapid deep breaths and became unconscious.

Esmeralda called off the celebration and mobilized the security. However, the security failed to catch the assassin. So the celebration ended in a disaster.

Khaleed carried Khufra to his chamber. Esmeralda held Khufra's arm. And in the next morning, Khufra awakened.

Closely related people and his trusted workers came. They covered Khufra's chamber and filled it with flowers. Esmeralda held Khufra's chest and said, "The poison has no antidote, my love. And no doctors came to treat you."

"They said you burned their clinics in the City. They were the doctors working in our hospitals too." Khaleed said.

"We should've wiped out the entire City so they wouldn't come back for revenge." Moskov said.

"Silence. I live in that City, too." Bane said. "But you my friend have changed." he added, holding Khufra's elbow. "You tried to rule and to control people like a tyrant. Tyrants in history don't live long."

"I see." Khufra mumbled. After that, he gazed at Esmeralda and said, "I should've sought and wished happiness."

"Wealth and richness, power and fame do not offer happiness." Bane said. "These are just weapons with two blades. One to obtain happiness, and the other to obtain despair. You were a good man."

"Did I became evil?" "Because of money?"

"Worry not my love." Esmeralda said but before he could finished her words, Khufra stopped to breath and died.

Everyone in the room looked down as their master passed away. They breathe deep and tiughten their eyelids. They rubbed took their handkerchiefs and rubbed their eyes to ensure no tears leaked.

All men under Khufra's castle provide a grand funeral. They covered his corpse in white flowers and burned him in the middle of the plaza. They then freed doves and white balloons as they held their candles and roses. And although deep silence covered the ceremony, the sky thundered and cried. It was in the first time after several decades, it rained in the desert.

The people then left the place one by one but Esmeralda remained. She looked at Khufra's ashes, swept by the rain and eaten by the sands. And after several minutes, her body integrated into small pieces, which then the wind carried.

"Wait for me, my love. I'm coming." she said.

This then ended the story of Khufra's life. He started as a humble person, and by the grace of God, gave him the opportunity to make a wish. But those wishes planted the seed of confusion that led him astray. And as to who killed Khufra and to what will happen to his riches is going to be another story.

Author's Note: "Thank you for reading this short story. I am trying to be a man of literature but I am not professional. I wish to provide stories more beautiful and more entertaining. So please, I need your help. Comment your constructive criticisms, thoughts, and opinions about this story. Finally, thank you and have a wonderful day!"

salamat. binasa ko talaga to
Salamat sa pagbabasa.
Ito yung mahabang story na hindi ko masyadong na-edit, pero sana ay naidala pa rin kayo sa story world. At siyempre sana ay nag-enjoy po kayo :)

sad kasakiman tlga sa kapangyarihan ang pinakamalaking kalaban kahit gaano kabuting tao pwedeng matukso😞
Kaya kapag nagkaroon ka ng madaming biyaya ay bahagi-an mo ako ah, hahahahah

Salamat po sa pagbabasa! Hehehe

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