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Closed Stroke prevention with fruits and vegetables rich in potassium

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Forum Guru
Oct 30, 2015
Eating just one extra serving of potassium-rich foods every day may reduce your risk of stroke by 40%.

That's what researchers discovered by analizing the diets of a group of 859 men and women over age 50, living in southern California.

The investigators documentd that a small difference of potassium in the diet predicted who would die of a stroke twelve years later.

Remakably, nobody with the highest intake of potassium (more than 3,500 mg a day) died of a stroke.

However, those who regularly ate the least potassium (less than 1,950 mg per day) had much higher fatal stroke rates than all the others.

Among those who skimped the most on potassium, the odds of stroke deaths shot up 2.6 times in men and 4.8 times in women.

Further, the more potassium-rich foods the subjects ate, generally, the fewer strokes they had.

Researchers concluded that with every extra daily 400 mg. of potassium in food, the odds of a fatal stroke dropped 40%! One very good reason to adopt stroke prevention with fruits and vegetables!

You can find the extra 400 mg of potassium in the following foods:

1/2 cup cooked fresh spinach (423 mg)
1/2 cup cooked fresh beet green (654 mg)
1 tsp. blackstrap molasses (499 mg)
1 cup tomato juice (536 mg)
1 cup fresh orange juice (472 mg)
1/4 cantaloupe melon (412 mg)
1/2 cup acorn squash (446 mg)
10 dried apricot halves (482 mg)
2 carrots (466 mg)
1/2 cup cooked sweet potato (455 mg)
1/2 cooked green lima beans (484 mg)
1 cup skim milk (418 mg)
1/2 avocado (742 mg)
1 banana (451 mg)
2 oz./60 g. almonds (440 mg)
1 oz./ 30 g. roasted soybeans (417 mg)
17 oz./480 g. baked potato without skin (512 mg)
17 oz./480 g. baked potato with skin (844 mg)
1/2 cup baked beans (613 mg)
(From Jean Carper's Food Your Miracle Medicine: How Food Can Prevent and Treat Over 100 Symptoms and Problems)
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