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Closed i remember when

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Forum Guru
Aug 31, 2015
i remember when

i remember the days when i didnt care. when i could be whoever i dreamed a fairy a princess a pìrâ†é a monster or whatever else i want to be. now my mind explodes with unpleasant thoughts of death blood cuts scars and the unknown. in my mind i used to think i was good at writing, in my mind i used to think i was good at singing, in my mind i used to think i was good at drawing but now everbodies better. better at singing,drawing,writing,and dancing. The worst part is the person who does all these things better is my bestfriend the one i call my sister, Raina is an amazing artist an amazing writer and an amazing singer shes everything i wanted to be. plus shes beautiful and not very shy. another thing shes good at is skateboarding which is basically my hobby my life but once again she has to do it better everyone always compliments her on how well she does at everything everyone always asks for a picture or a story or to hear her sing but im just chopped liver. sadly not even richard says anything like that to me (sorry if youre reading this) i try and try and try my best but once again its never good enough. i get good grades i made honor roll in fact but my family only appreciates that on the day we get my report card. but when it comes to my sister its the best thing to happen to the family i guess. i slip up one time and its why cant you be a good kid for once for once? FOR ONCE the **** you mean for once im a good kid all the time i clean i take care of the family member if theyre sick and i make sure they feel better i tell my mom shes beautiful everyday and kiss her cheek before going to school. i give my sister advice but since shes too much of a brat she doesnt listen. all im saying is i feel out of place mistreated and nobody understands. i try to tell my therapist that im really bipolar but shes just like youre just a moody teenager. i dont think its a moody teenager when your mood changes for no reason or if it changes just because your shoe is just untied thats called being bipolar thats called i need ****ing help listen to me i need medication also when i think of death and suicide all the time its call im depressed not oh youre just a teen.
Credits to respectful owner (Y)
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