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Closed Ehi

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[2016-10-21 03:48:32] Running on LENOVO Lenovo TAB 2 A7-30HC (LenovoTAB2A7-30HC) Lenovo, Android API 19
[2016-10-21 03:48:32] Application version: 4.0.0 Build 54
[2016-10-21 03:50:16] Injector Service Started
[2016-10-21 03:50:16] Network Status: CONNECTED HSPA to mobile internet
[2016-10-21 03:50:17] Local IP:
[2016-10-21 03:50:17] Starting listening local port: <b>8989</b>
[2016-10-21 03:50:17] Starting - Network Task
[2016-10-21 03:50:17] Listening for incoming connection
[2016-10-21 03:50:17] Start tunnel service
[2016-10-21 03:50:18] Buffer Size: Send: 16384 | Receive: 32768
[2016-10-21 03:50:18] Running - Proxy Thread
[2016-10-21 03:50:18] Running - Proxy Thread
[2016-10-21 03:50:18] Injecting
[2016-10-21 03:50:20] <strong>Status: 200 (Connection established)</strong> Successful - The action requested by the client was successful.
[2016-10-21 03:50:22] Hostkey fingerprint: c8:da:d0:0d:00:c0:f8:51:51:29:2d:a1:ae:1d:14:de
[2016-10-21 03:50:22] Key exchange algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[2016-10-21 03:50:22] Using algorithm: aes256-ctr hmac-sha2-256
[2016-10-21 03:50:23] Password auth available
[2016-10-21 03:50:24] Authenticate with password
[2016-10-21 03:50:25] Forward Successful
[2016-10-21 03:50:25] <strong>Connected</strong>
[2016-10-21 03:50:25] Starting Injector VPN Service
[2016-10-21 03:50:25] DNS Forwarding: Google DNS
[2016-10-21 03:50:25] Google DNS enabled
[2016-10-21 03:50:25] DNS forwarding enabled
[2016-10-21 03:50:26] Tunnel core started
[2016-10-21 03:51:47] IOException: recvfrom failed: ECONNRESET (Connection reset by peer)
[2016-10-21 03:51:47] Proxy - Closing connection
[2016-10-21 03:51:47] IOException: Socket closed
[2016-10-21 03:51:47] <strong>Connection Lost</strong> Cannot read full block, EOF reached.
[2016-10-21 03:51:47] <strong>Reconnecting…</strong>
[2016-10-21 03:51:47] Socket connection to SSH server was lost
[2016-10-21 03:51:49] Start tunnel service
[2016-10-21 03:51:49] Buffer Size: Send: 16384 | Receive: 32768
[2016-10-21 03:51:49] Running - Proxy Thread
[2016-10-21 03:51:49] Running - Proxy Thread
[2016-10-21 03:51:49] Proxy - Closing connection
[2016-10-21 03:51:49] <strong>Connection Lost</strong> There was a problem during connect.
[2016-10-21 03:51:49] Problem in SSH connection thread during connecting - There was a problem while connecting to *********:22
[2016-10-21 03:51:49] Injecting
[2016-10-21 03:51:50] IOException: Socket closed
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